On a Personal Note…

Greetings, money mavens! On June 1, Mr. BoomerMoneyandMore and I left our state-side home in good hands and took up temporary digs in Milan, Italy. It seems MrBoomerMoneyandMore thinks he’s Italian. 😉 While here, my goal is to revamp the Web site, which requires the technical skills I don’t yet have but hope to acquire. … [Read more…]
Self-Insuring Your Long-Term Care. (Almost) Everything You Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask.

The takeaway: In deciding whether to self-insure your own long-term care, it helps to know that 77% of men and 68% of women will either never need long-term care, or if they do, will need it for less than one year. But, if you’re in that group that needs long-term care, you’ll need it on … [Read more…]
Resilience: Your Most Valuable Retirement Skill. Here’s How to Build It. (Book Review.)

The takeaway: Nancy’s Schlossberg’s book, Too Young to Be Old, provides research-backed methods for building resilience against common life events occurring in our third act. These events include facing ageism, building a new identity and sense of purpose outside of work, as well as dealing with health challenges and relationship changes–to name a few. … [Read more…]
To Not Outlive Your Money, You’ve Got to Know Where it Goes

The takeaway: The perfect setup for outliving your money is not knowing where it goes. This post helps you figure out where the money went and provides a juicy look at what others your age are earning and spending. Don’t outlive your money! $$$ Part 3 in the Don’t Outlive Your Money Series. (Updated 1/18/23) … [Read more…]